Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Running Low on Ca$h?

Hey Guys! So I decided to focus this post on the monetary aspect of being a beer enthusiast, especially for twenty-somethings....It is No secret that college students are notorious for being low on funds and absolutely horrible at budgeting money.
             Ever find yourself saying "I'm broke" or "I only have like three bucks in my bank account." I know for a fact I do!! Whether buying beer for the weekend or going out for a night at the bar.... beer doesn't always come cheap....unless you know where to look!!
 So in the interest of helping all those avid beer drinkers out there who find themselves constantly without the funds to buy beer, I complied information about the cheapest way to buy the most beer.
Myself and my nine roommates, all of whom love beer as I do, conducted what we refer to as research for the most financially sufficient way to buy beer..... 
During the summer and the first couple weeks of school we found ourselves buying on average about 1 1/2 30 racks every two days (generally Bud Light or Keystone Light because they are two of the cheapest beers). Once we realized how quickly we were blowing through our money, and that having a house off campus presented us with new opportunities, we collectively decided that we needed to figure out a new system. After talking with a few friends and going to different liquor stores we discovered a few useful tips about buying beer, and here they are.... Hope they help your guys out!!

The Beer Ball:
For those who don't know, a beer ball is sort of like a keg but smaller, more portable, and in the shape of a ball. Myself and my friends were ecstatic to find out that a Bud Light beer ball holds 55 beers and only costs $35, while two 30 racks of Bud Light costs around $50 and only has five more beers.

Beer balls can be found at Schwabbys and Pier Liquor's!

The Keg:
The keg, most commonly purchased for large groups of people or parties, can also serve as a way to save money if you truly are a big beer drinker. Kegs hold 150 beers. A keg of Keystone Light only costs $60, with a $30 dollar deposit (which is reimbursed upon returning the empty keg). This may seem like a lot of money to spend without having the intention of having a party and charging people for cups to drink your keg, a common practice on college campuses, but it can actually be a great way to save money! Think about it... you can keep a keg until you have finished all of your beer and drink it for pre-gaming before going out or a night in with a couple of friends!  Kegs can be found at the majority of liquor stores around the URI area, but if its a weekend, plan ahead and get your keg early! Trust me, I know from experience if its a Friday night near a college campus they go faster than you would imagine.

Tips for preserving your beer (and money):
1. Whether you have a beer ball or keg, ALWAYS remember to un-tap it before you head to bed for the night!! If you don't, your beer will go flat, and every beer drinker knows how upsetting it is when that happens.
2. Always hold on to your taps (beer ball or keg). Keep them in a safe place so the next time you buy a keg or beer ball you don't have to pay for a new tap. In fact, last weekend my good friend Gary misplaced our house tap and we were left without the means to drink the remaining beer in our keg. So guys remember.... hold on to your taps, its never a bad idea to have a tap laying around... you never know when it could come in handy!
3. When drinking out of a keg or beer ball with friends it is a good idea to fill a pitcher up with beer and use that to fill up cups while playing games or hanging out. This might sound odd, but it is a good method to preserve your beer. I learned this too many times when I find half finished cups of flat beer in my living room the next morning, a sad waste of beer.
4. If you feel that there is no need to purchase a full keg, and a beer ball doesn't appeal to you, quarter kegs are also offered at the majority of liquor stores. Buying a quarter keg is a great opportunity to buy a large amount of quality beer for good price!

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